
New Workshops Coming Up!

Mutable Madness

If you are a Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, or Sagittarius and it feels like life has been beating your a** or challenging you lately, sign up for this community workshop.

This workshop is a special container for mutable placements only! 


If you have Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius planets in your natal chart, or your rising sign/ascendant, I invite you to this opportunity to:


- Be in community


-Dissect challenges mutables have encountered during this cycle, and identify solutions based on your personal charts


-Receive a personal reading from me + a summer workbook to reflect on throughout the summer 


-Leave with astrological insights, information, and solutions to challenges you've been experiencing 


This workshop is LIVE via Zoom July 3rd 2024

8:30pm central time

9:30pm eastern time

6:30pm pacific time,

and is sliding scale ($25-40)

Sliding Scale