offerings + services

Current Specials

New Service Alert!

Each service is unique in its own way, crafted specifically with you in mind

Pre-Recorded Reading

This sesh is for those who may not have as much time on their hands, but still want a way to take in the Astrological advice and guidance for their lives.

Just as in my live sessions, this sesh will dive into the depths of either your A) transits B) upcoming annual profection (Solar return) or C) A specific question you have in mind.

Each pre-recorded sesh will come with a live video of me analysing your chart with visuals to help you follow, the audio separate for your listening on the go, and a PDF of questions for you to reflect on after the session.

This offering ranges from 15-20 minutes worth of content, available at your fingertips 24/7!

For cannabis smokers: optional 3 strain recommendation add on based on your transits, profection, and eclipsed houses.


offerings + services

Astrology Services

Each service is unique in its own way, crafted specifically with you in mind

2024 Offerings

The Chai

Just like no two birth charts are the same, no two people are the same! This customisable Astro sesh is split into 3 parts: pre-sesh, consultation, and post sesh (featuring a fully customised astro PDF).

During the pre-sesh, process, you’ll fill out an intake form providing me with insights of what your personal questions + curiosities are, and what you need help with.

I’ll then look at your natal chart + intake form to gather info, then create a custom session just for you.

You’ll then receive a follow up email from me to ensure the custom session fits your needs, as well as to schedule your live consultation via Zoom. (1-2 business days).

Following our sesh, you’ll receive a customised PDF (within 3-4 business days) with your natal chart, 2024 transits to look out for, 2024 eclipses within the context of your natal chart, and a synopsis of our live session.

There is an optional add on for Cannabis smokers, featuring a 2024 best +highly recommended strains, specific to you.


The Rundown

A session for my lovely return clients.

For the rundown through the lens of your current + upcoming transits, we observe monthly profections, and your current annual profection (solar return).

In this live session via Zoom, we’ll talk and explore through astrological techniques, and you’ll have the opportunity for questions. This session will followup (within 2-3 business days) with a PDF, detailing a synopsis of the session, and some tips for the road ahead.

Optional PDF add on: Astro-Cannabis strain recommendations for the upcoming month.


The Smoke Sesh

There’s nothing like having your own personal Astrologer + Cannabis Connoisseur. In this special crafted sesh, you get the best of both worlds. After a brief analysis of your current transits, we observe your patterns and focuses for you at this present time, additionally, what strains can best aid that for you.

You’ll leave with minimum 3 strain recommendations, and a better understanding of how Astrology can shift and alter our needs, and our relationship with Cannabis.


Creative Services

For more details, contact me below for a consultation

Events Production + Creative Direction for your next event + gathering

Full scale production including event planning, marketing, and collaboration

Branding and Digital Marketing for your business venture

Ready to piece together the ideas in your head? That’s where I come in. From logo design, to choosing fonts and colours, I’m here to help you all the way, including your marketing plan and strategy.

Ready to bridge together your needs with my expertise? Fill out the contact form below for a free 15 minute consultation.